Cognilift Brain® UPDATE 2020 Price, Benefits, Side Effect, Reviews?
Cognilift Brain How Does Sugar Affect Your Memory? Research out of the University of California, Los Angeles, suggests that sugar forms free radicals in the brain and compromises the nerve cells' ability to communicate. This can have serious repercussions in how well we remember instructions, process ideas, and manage our moods, says Fernando Gómez-Pinilla, Ph.D., author of the UCLA study. In the short term, you've probably seen how sugar can mess with your emotions and adrenaline surges, a.k.a.: the stress hormone. So something to consider: Your memory issues may NOT be age-related. It might be what you're eating. What happens when you eat sugar?
Cognilift Brain When you eat sugar, your insulin spikes, which briefly increases your dopamine levels. (Think of dopamine as the "happy chemical.") For a short period, you feel happy and energized... perhaps a little hyper.
But this high quickly wears off (i.e. NOT a stable source of energy), and eventually you come crashing down. This familiar "sugar crash" produces the stress chemical adrenaline, which can leave you feeling anxious, moody, exhausted and even depressed in the aftermath.
Cognilift Brain USDA recommends staying under 10 teaspoons (40 grams) of added sugar a day. This is about the equivalent of a bagel or one cup of your typical non-fat yogurt-which has a tendency to be surprisingly high in sugar. (Check the label of the yogurt in your fridge and see what I mean.) Now don't worry: This daily sugar limit doesn't include natural fruit and vegetable sugars in their pure forms like an apple. But DO avoid those mocha lattes at all costs.